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Interview with Vivien Lin, Chief Product Officer at BingX
#BingX #VisionandMission #CryptoTrading #InclusiveEnvironment #EmpoweringTraders #UserFirst #ProductDevelopment #UserSecurity #CyberThreats #Partnerships #TraderEducation #SocialTrading #CryptoExchange #Innovation #ProductDiversification #DigitalAssets #USDCFutures #SpotTrading #TokenSales #WealthManagement #LoanServices #StructuredProducts #AssetManagement #CustomerSupport #MultilingualSupport #ImmediateAssistance
#youtube#bingx#visionandmission#cryptotrading#inclusive environment#inclusiveenvironment#multilingualsupport#immediateassistance#spottrading#USDCFutures#digitalassets#socialtrading#social trading#vivien lin
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Interview with Vivien Lin, Chief Product Officer at BingX
#BingX #VisionandMission #CryptoTrading #InclusiveEnvironment #EmpoweringTraders #UserFirst #ProductDevelopment #UserSecurity #CyberThreats #Partnerships #TraderEducation #SocialTrading #CryptoExchange #Innovation #ProductDiversification #DigitalAssets #USDCFutures #SpotTrading #TokenSales #WealthManagement #LoanServices #StructuredProducts #AssetManagement #CustomerSupport
#youtube#bingx#bingxcopytrade#vivien lin#visionandmission#productdevelopment#product development#innovation#tokensales#structuredproducts
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Some of my first commissions for a post-show Jemverse, all art by sunnyday.
Jerrica Benton x Giselle "Danse" Dvorak Vivien "Video" Montgomery x Lindsey "Lin-Z" Pearce Carmen "Raya" Alonso x Constance "Clash" Montgomery.
#jem and the holograms#alternate universe#jem#jerrica benton#danse#raya#clash#clashxraya#video#videoxlinz
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Philly Zine Fest 2022 Vendors List pt. 2
Jackie Kirby
Jay McQuirns Jennifer Hildebrand Jesse Arbor Jinli Spencer Jodi Bosin + @jodi_bosin Joseph Rogers Illustration Julian Shendelman KAPI Kathryn Hemmann + @kathrynthehuman + @kathrynthehuman (Twitter) Katie Haegele / The La-La Theory Katrina Kopeloff Illustration Kinos Comix Kyle Kerezsi La Horchata Zine + @Lahorchatazine Lemon Liu Press + @lemonliupress Lumen Lugo-Roman LUMXN + @lumxnzine Mara Gervais Mega Press Meldar16 Messy Them Studio + @noaisabellla Morg Studio MovieJawn Nicole Rodrigues + @lost.mirage Nora Einbender Luks NWA Zine Odochi Akwani + @odochiakwani Olivia Fredricks + @oliv.Marie Organ Bank Pam Price Partners and Son Peppermint Alley Press + @peppermint.alley Philly Teen Zine Collective Plus Equals
Prevention Meets Fashion R28 Zines Rachel Bard Regional By Sam Ren Reptile House Comix Retrosofa Ribbon, Dame of Death Ryan Pic + @earthwormenthusiast Sarah Szymanski Sawyer Lovett Second At Best Press Sequential Philly Simon Reinhardt + @simonmreinhardt (Twitter) Skullduggery Studios Skyla Moray Southern Exposure + @hellobrandondean SPACEBOYNETWORK + www.afrobatix.com Spratty Lin Strong Hands Students in the Limited Edition Honors General Education course: “Makers, Hackers, Fixers” Super Not Great Tanya Brassie
Taped Off TV The Soapbox Community Print Shop The Word Distro TheChoyceIsYours This Must Be The Place Press thrashbeatles Tree News + @_tree_news_ Urban Ochre Press Valeriya Volkova Art Vivien Wise Wally and the Witches + @wallyandthewitches WKDU yoritzo x dj crouton Yoshus Prints
Young Artist Program + @theyoungartistprogram
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What do a U.S. President, meme tokens, and cryptocurrency exchanges have in common? Together, they are driving the conversation around mainstream crypto adoption. Donald Trump launched his new meme token $TRUMP on January 18th, just 2 days before his... - https://jmpto.net/OzbLJ
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Am vergangenen Wochenende feierte das Bücherfestival Baden-Baden Premiere und verwandelte die traditionsreiche Kurstadt in ein Zentrum für Literaturbegeisterte. Vom 7. bis 10. November zog das Festival über 3.000 Besucher*innen an und bot ein vielfältiges Programm aus Lesungen, Gesprächen und literarischen Begegnungen. Mit Beiträgen renommierter Autor*innen, interaktiven Kinder- und Jugendveranstaltungen sowie einer sehr gut frequentierten Buchmesse im Kulturhaus LA8 hat das Festival auf ganzer Linie überzeugt und sich als neues Highlight im Kulturkalender etabliert. „Begeisterte Zuhörer bei den vielen Lesungen, ein hochinteressiertes Messepublikum und eine großartige Resonanz in der Stadt: Der Stapellauf des ersten Bücherfestivals ist gelungen!“, freut sich Thomas Lindemann vom Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels Baden-Württemberg e.V. Auch Karlheinz Kögel von Media Control lobt das Event: „Das Bücherfestival hat einen furiosen Start hingelegt!” Die Innenstadtvereinigung „We love Baden-Baden” freut sich über die durch das Festival gesteigerte Besucherfrequenz auch am sonnigen Samstag in der Baden-Badener City. Kuratiert wurde das Festival von Denis Scheck und Literaturagentin Karin Graf, die die Besucher*innen mit einem abwechslungsreichen Programm begeisterten. „Das war ein gelungener Auftakt: In Baden-Baden war auf dem neuen Literaturfestival die deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur in ihrer ganzen Vielfalt und Vitalität zu erleben. Das Publikum ging an allen Abenden begeistert mit – so wird Literatur zur Erfahrung,“ resümierte Scheck. Die Veranstaltung bot zahlreiche Höhepunkte: Bestseller-Autor Florian Illies eröffnete das Festival am Donnerstagabend im Gespräch mit Literaturkritiker Denis Scheck. Obwohl die Heizung der Stiftskirche ausgefallen war, folgten über 250 Besucher*innen gebannt dem Dialog über den Maler Caspar David Friedrich. Katja Lange-Müller begeisterte am Freitag Abend im Alten Ratssaal im Gespräch mit Moderator Carsten Otte. Anna Katharina Hahn und Mithu Sanyal füllten am Samstag Abend in einem Doublefeature unter der Moderation von Julia Schröder die Buchhandlung Eulennest. Am Sonntag gab es einen gut besuchten Literaturgottesdienst mit der Lokalgröße Thomas Weiß. Den Abschluß-Treffer landete Ex-Nationalspieler Thomas Hitzlsperger im Maison Messmer im Gespräch mit Denis Scheck über sein Comingout als Homosexueller im Profifußball, das der SWR als Medienpartner neben dem Gespräch mit Mithu Sanyal für die Sendung „Lesenswert vor Ort“ aufgezeichnet hat. Besonderes Interesse galt der Buchmesse im Kulturhaus LA8: Rund 50 Verlage aus ganz Deutschland präsentierten und verkauften ihre neuesten Veröffentlichungen. Im Lesecafé gab es stündlich Lesungen und Verlagspräsentationen. Diane Kopp vom Emons Verlag zeigte sich erfreut: „Wir haben sehr interessierte Besucher*innen am Stand, die den persönlichen Kontakt zu Verlagsvertreter*innen und Autor*innen schätzen und gerne kaufen.“ Auch Eros Castelli von Hugendubel betonte: „Eine wahnsinnig gute Stimmung hier, wir führen schöne Gespräche mit Leuten aus der Gegend, aber auch vielen Gästen von außerhalb. Sehr angenehm gemischtes Publikum, das viele Bücher kauft. Wir kommen nächstes Jahr gerne wieder.“ Für die jungen Literaturfans wurde ebenfalls einiges geboten. Am Samstagabend präsentierte Media Control die bekannte Dark Romance-Autorin Jane S. Wonda im Café Kunsthalle. Das anschließende Meet & Greet mit der Bestsellerautorin fand am Büchertisch von Thalia statt. Schon am Vormittag hatte die Buchhandlung Hugendubel zu einem Romance Talk mit den Autorinnen Lin Rina und Alicia Zett sowie einer Signierstunde mit der Freiburger Autorin Maren Vivien Haase eingeladen. Verschiedene Workshops und viele Kinderbuch-Neuerscheinungen in der Ausstellung stießen bei den kleinsten Besucher*innen auf Begeisterung und machten das Festival auch zu einem Familienerlebnis. Laura Ertl vom Aufbau Verlag lobt die Besucherfrequenz: „Die Stimmung ist super hier, viele literaturinteressierte Menschen, jung und alt.“ Auch Hubert Romer von Sparkys Edition zieht eine positive Aussteller-Bilanz: „Ich bin sehr zufrieden, tolle Gespräche, tolle Leute, gute Umsätze. Bereits am ersten Abend waren auch die Online-Bestellungen deutlich höher.“ Beide sind sich einig: „Wir kommen wieder.“ Mit einer erfolgreichen Premiere hat das Bücherfestival Baden-Baden einen überzeugenden Start hingelegt und einen neuen Treffpunkt für Buchliebhaber*innen im Südwesten geschaffen. „Das Bücherfestival ist ein echtes Highlight“, so Manuel Herder vom Herder Verlag, der am Samstag im Messeprogramm seinen Verlag vorgestellt hat. „Vielen Dank an die Initiatoren, die an diese Idee geglaubt und sie so gelungen umgesetzt haben.“ Dank an die Partner*innen und Unterstützer Ein solches Ereignis wäre ohne die Unterstützung zahlreicher Partner und Förderer nicht möglich gewesen. Der Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels Baden-Württemberg e.V. als Veranstalter mit den Kooperationspartnern Media Control und We Love Baden-Baden e.V. danken insbesondere dem Ministerium für Wissen-schaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, der Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG, der Leibinger Stiftung und dem Ministerium für Landesentwicklung und Wohnen Baden-Württemberg für ihre Förderung. „Josua Straß vom Eulennest hat die Idee in unseren Vorstand getragen, und wir danken den vielen, vielen Köpfen und Händen, die unser Geschäftsführer Tom Erben mit Ulrike Altig (Media Control) und Manuela Busch (We love Baden-Baden) orchestriert hat, um das Festival zu realisieren. Neben den Sponsoren gilt unser Dank besonders Karlheinz Kögel von Media Control sowie Sascha Wachaczewsky und Matthias Hirsch als Vorsitzende von ,We love Baden-Baden’.” Thomas Lindemann, Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels Baden-Württemberg e.V. Ein besonderer Dank gilt auch der Horst Höll Büroeinrichtung GmbH, der Volksbank Baden-Baden, der Wackenhut GmbH & Co. KG sowie dem Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe für ihre großzügige Unterstützung. Das Bücherfestival dankt auch den unterstützenden Hoteliers für die Unterbringung der Autor*innen (Hotel Belle Epoque, Hotel Der Kleine Prinz, Hotel Merkur, Hotel Zum Goldenen Löwen) und dem SWR Kultur als Medienpartner, der das Programm in Hörfunk, Online und TV begleitet hat. Read the full article
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BingX Sponsors CoinGecko Q2 2024 Market Report: Including BTC ETH SOL
VILNIUS, LITUANIA – Media OutReach Newswire – 29 July 2024 – As a leading cryptocurrency exchange known for its user-centric approach and innovative trading solutions, BingX is proud to announce its sponsorship of CoinGecko’s Q2 2024 Market Report. BingX spokesperson Vivien Lin said: “BingX and CoinGecko share a common goal: Empowering the crypto community with transparent, accurate, and informed…
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Week 0: Hello, Shanghai
In the quiet night hours of Shanghai, perched on a deck inside my dorm, I'm crafting my first blog post for the beginning of a new journey. My name is Vivien, and I'm a rising junior studying Computer Engineering and doing a math minor. For the next three months, I will be studying at UM-Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Institute and sharing my experiences to the end of the summer. Classes officially starts tomorrow, but I'm not ready to exit break mode and put aside exploration of the city, knowing that there are so many exciting discoveries in Shanghai.
It began when I was scrolling through the IPE webpage, mind set on a study abroad experience. After serious consideration of the programs listed, I decided on Shanghai, thinking that my Mandarin proficiency is enough to make small talks with the locals and navigate around a new and unfamiliar city. I was very optimistic, so I got here deprived of sleep after 28 hours of flight from Michigan, with layovers at Los Angeles and Taipei. At each stop, I had a lot of time to shop around the airport, mainly for comforting food that made the long flight more enjoyable. The first authentic Asian food was at Taipei airport, and that beef noodle soup reassured me that Shanghai is within my vicinity!
After two more hours of flight from Taipei to Pudong airport, I finally arrived at Shanghai and met up with the local JI student volunteers and other Umich students arriving around the same time. We got our student cards and checked into the international student dormitory.
This is my favorite spot in my private bedroom in a suite on the 11th floor. I woke up at 6AM and saw the beautiful sunrise after a long and replenishing 12 hours of sleep. Here is where I Facetimed my family to fight homesickness, watched the preparation for the Dragon Boat Festival on the river, and worked on my blog writing. It offers a tiny peek of the suburban area of Shanghai and shows a slower pace of the city compared to the bustling downtown.
It's very tempting to want to go into the city center and try out Shanghai's delicious cuisines, shop around huge malls, and explore the vibrant night market. While I'm excited to see more of the city, I'm also anxious about meeting new people, encountering potential cultural differences, and managing high workload expectations for my classes. As I'm finally wrapping up this blog, there is a mixture of self-doubts and optimism. No matter how much I miss home, with a 12 hours time zone difference from my friends and family, I have the hope that I can enjoy my time here, learning and growing into a more confident person.
Vivien Lin
Computer Engineering
UM- Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Institute, China
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This is for the @jemfanzine‘s Minizine: Behind the Scenes which is a bonus zine for the JEM Jam. I thought it’d be fun to have Video and Lin-Z hanging out when they are not caught up with the shenanigans of the day.
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Books I plan to read in 2022
I was tagged by @mydaylight, thank you, I love this idea :) Here are 10 books that I want to read in 2022.
1) The Queendoms - Scorpica, G. R. Macallister
I’m always here for Fantasy that offers something different. Here we have a matriarcal world, warrior women, powerful women...I’m really excited to read this.
2) Feminina, a new history of the Middle Ages, Janina Ramirez
I can’t wait for this one. I’m always interested in books discussing female agency during medieval times and this one seems really interesting : “Janina Ramirez has uncovered countless influential women's names struck out of historical records, with the word FEMINA annotated beside them”.
3) Moment in Peking, Lin Yutang
I remmener reading the first half of this book as a teen, but I never got to read the rest. Now that an integral version has been released in French, it’s time to discover the whole story.
4) Les Simples, Yannick Grannec
This one was recommended to me by @haweke and it looks really intriguing. It tells the story a nuns who practice medicine and whose community is targeted by a bishop. I love stories of female communities, so I hope I will enjoy it.
5) Death of an Eye, Diana Stabenow
I loved her Silk and Song novel and totally recommend it. This one is sets during Cleopatra VII’s rule and deals with a female detective who is friend with the Pharaoh. I love ancient Egypt, Cleopatra VII is one of my favorite historical figures, all the more reasons to read it!
6) Sisters of the Forsaken Stars, Lina Rather
I loved the first novella, I mean it’s a Sci-Fi story about nuns in space, and that enough is an amazing idea. So I will make sure to read this sequel.
7) Spear, Nicola Griffith
A retelling of the Arthurian legends featuring a young warrior woman? Amazing!
8) Nestuke, Renée Vivien
Renée Vivien is one of my favorite authors. When I saw that she had written tales inspired by Japanese and Chinese folklore, I had to give them a look!
9) The Gods are Thirsty, Tanith Lee
Still looking to complete my collection of Tanith Lee books and I’m interesting in her take on the French Revolution!
10) Flying Snakes and Griffin Claws: And Other Classical Myths, Historical Oddities, and Scientific Curiosities, Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor is releasing a new book this year. This woman is amazing and I need to read it. That’s all.
I tag @pamplelun @haweke @gwelan @sinniel and anyone who wants to do it. I listed 10 books, but there’s no set rule so feel free to list as many as you want.
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name calling
there are names
that scrape the ceiling of stars
in the cold of night
names, that drop like supple fruit from tree branches
a syllable or two of three,
and the things they carry,
memories and mourning and mending
the never-could-have-happends
the in-a-different-time-in-a-different-life
--and the us.
vivien, i think
and I remember--
sharp laughter
and a sharper tongue
a smile, a tease, a lie
three years in the making
come, i would say, meet me where i can see you
and she smiled and laughed
--and an ocean separated her castle from mine
gwen, gwen, gwen
all one syllable
falling like raindrops
and i think myself a hurricane
springing from the ocean fully formed
away from the towers and away from my light folly, my hubris
and into new want, new love, new--
what is it I want from you?
is it a love?
or is it acceptance, friendship, approval?
perhaps i will never know
but i want something
i want an understanding.
that i will allow myself to think
kellin, kel-lin,
a word and a laugh and hours slipping like sand between my fingers
i want them
i want the laughter and the smiles and the flush to coat my cheeks
like icing on ice cream
sweet on sweet
i want to be us in my room
in my house
in my city and state and neighborhood
i want the words to slip out and be held between our breaths
caught in framework and fireworks
and i want to see what we could be
find me
caught between a phrase, my mind still
names caught between my teeth and taking up space
towers and raindrops and sweetness
every different shade of want
(or is it love? i cannot say)
catch me as i hang onto words and code
save me as i see nothing but stars
find me caught between the jump--
--and the fall.
#okay first of all#dont interact with this if you are mentioned bc i WILL die of embarrassment#second of all#if youre reading this on mobile \#get on a computer#it will look 100 times better#anyway#poetry#writing stuff
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Breathe with me. Chapter 12
Chapter 11 here
-Your Majesty, we will be landing soon.
Liam nodded to Bastien dismissing him. He was going to spend some time with Vivien. He had no idea what Madeleine's problem was but his ego was hurt. Of all women he had to marry the one that wanted nothing to do with him as a man.
He tried to convince himself that some time with Vivien will be good for him but he wasn't feeling excited about seeing her at all.
Probably I am just tired of her.
He laid his head on the back of the chair and closed his eyes. Image of Lina appeared in his mind.
No, it's over. Think about something else.
But it was useless. Now annoyed, Liam tried to fall asleep but anytime he was close to it, her face would appear in his mind.
-Your Majesty, we are landing.
Liam opened his eyes.
-How long will it take to prepare jet for flying to New York?
-About four hours, sir. - Bastien now looked at Liam surprised.
-Very well, I will wait in the hotel. We are flying to New York.
-Sir, a jet can be prepared fast but pilots need a rest. It will be a long flight and we don't have a replacement.
-Then find someone in London. - Liam now was totally unreasonable.
-I can't let just any pilot to do it, sir. It's dangerous.
-Oh for god sake, then book me commercial flight or something.
Bastien was about to explode but held back.
-That's not safe as well. I can't guarantee your safety on commercial flight. I ask you to reconsider.We can leave to New York from here in twelve hours. If I can take a liberty and point it out, you need a rest too. - Bastien said looking and tired, irritated Liam.
-Fine, twelve hours but not a minute later. - Liam said and turned to the window.
-Yes, Your Majesty.
Lina woke up from a loud knocks on her door. It was still dark, she reached for her phone to look at the time.
4 in the morning. What the hell. Is there a fire?
Her heart was beating fast and she was scared. Slowly she walked to the door and looked through the peephole.
It's a dream. I am still sleeping.
Not believing her eyes, she looked again and quickly opened a door.
Liam was standing in a hallway. For a few long moments they looked at each other, none of them is able to speak. A quiet cry left Lina's lips, her body was paralyzed. Her mind couldn't process the fact that he was here, standing right Infront of her.
Finally Liam stepped to Lina and pulled her close into desperate embrace. She melted into it and locked her hands on his back. A few seconds passed and Liam pressed her even closer tightening the embrace. A flashes were blistering through Lina's mind but she couldn't Master even one thought, her mind was completely blank. They stood like this for quite some time until her shock has passed. Lina pulled away and pulled Liam towards the sofa. He fell on it pulling her down with him. Their bodies were pressed close together, Liam's arms holding Lina close. She buried her face on his chest and more minutes passed in silence.
-I missed you. - Liam whispered.
He heard a quiet sob, then another one. He ran his arm through Lina's hair pressing his lips to it and kissing a top of her head.
Lina was crying into his chest, Liam's shirt became wet from her tears.
-Don't cry. - He kept to caress her hair.
It felt like eternity for Liam, her every sob was breaking his heart.
Did I hurt her that much? How do I fix it? I was a fool if I thought that she is all right. I didn't think that her feelings were that deep.
Holding Lina tight, Liam sat up and pulled Lina on his lap. He cupped her face and covered her wet cheeks with kisses tasting salt on his lips.
-Lin,please…-he pleaded.
Lina nodded and pulled her head back a little.
-I am sorry…
-No, don't apologise. It's OK, I am just happy to feel you in my arms again. I missed you so much. - He whispered. - I need to explain I think…
Lina shook her head and stopped him.
-Not now, I don't want to know. Just hold me. We will talk later.
They laid down on the sofa cuddling until both fell asleep.
-What the hell!
Liam woke up from loud yell and instinctively rolled over Lina, jumped up from the couch and looked for a source of it prepared to defend from whatever the hell was that.
-You? - an angry tall woman was standing a meter away from him.
She rested her arms on hips.
-What in the name of God are you doing here?
Lina's face appeared behind Liam. She evaluated the situation quick and jumped off the couch and stood next to Liam.
-Why you didn't knock, Nicci?
-That's all you have to say in your defence? What is going on here?
Liam had no idea why this Nicci seemed so upset but there was no danger so he relaxed and decided to prevent upcoming storm.
-Hello, I don't believe we've met. I am Liam.
-I know. I saw your face on my very own TV two days ago. Ironically, it looked like your wedding.
Liam felt a little embarrassed but quickly composed himself.
-Yes, well… It was. - Liam was trained for all his life to take a lead in critical situations and to find solutions quick but any training didn't prepare him for this.
-Comprehensive explanation. - Nicci turned her attention to Lina.-Give me a call whenever you are done… dealing with your situation.
Nicci turned on her heels and left apartments.
-What was that about? - Liam asked.
-That's my friend, Nicci. She is a bit… to much sometimes. She was just here for… Nevermind.
Now in the morning light everything that happened earlier felt unrealistic for Lina. She was imagining this for so many times but she knew that it will never come true. Yet, here he was, standing in her tiny studio.
He just got married! What is he doing here?
Meanwhile Liam was looking around seeing her studio for a first time. It was very small, corner with a bed and small wardrobe, a door to the bathroom, small living area and even smaller kitchen. All furniture was cheap looking but matching. It looked cozy and nice, main colours was yellow and white. Visually it was making studio to look bigger. Clearly, he has never been in such houses and he couldn't understand how can one live in such a small space. His bathroom in Palace was twice a size of her studio if not bigger.
-So you live here. - Liam said.
-Yes. Not much but it's mine. - Lina said awkwardly.-Probably not what you are used to.
Nervously she shoved hands in back pockets of her favorite cotton sleeping shorts.
-It's nice. I like the colours. - Liam smiled and took her hand in his.
-Liam, what are you doing here? I mean, you just got married. Are you here for your honeymoon? Then why are you with me? Here?
Liam chuckled.
-Oh, God, no. I wouldn't bring her to New York, Lina. Not for honeymoon certainly. It's our city. - He said with tenderness in his voice.
-Then what? - Lina asked holding his hand. She missed his touch and it felt so good.
We are doing nothing wrong. We are just taking.
-I will tell you, I want to talk but let's go somewhere for a breakfast. I didn't eat since yesterday lunch.
Lina nodded.
-There is a cafe across a street. We can go there. They make waffles to die for and they have all kinds of toppings. Just give me five minutes.
-Good waffles don't need toppings. Those are to die for. But I don't think it's a good idea. I really need to talk to you and I wouldn't want to do it in public place. To many eyes and ears. We can have a breakfast in my hotel.
Lina gently pulled her hand away.
-I can cook us a breakfast and we can talk here. I just need to go get groceries fast.
-To much troubles just for a breakfast. We can order waffles in my hotel.
-OK, let me change. - she said and took her clothes from wardrobe. She went to the bathroom, quickly brushed her teeth and changed into her casual jeans and black top.
Soon they arrived to the hotel. Liam was staying in the same suite as the last time. Lina bit her lip at the bittersweet memories of the time they spent here and followed Liam to the terrace where a breakfast was already served.
They sat at the table across from each other and filled their plates.
Liam was eating his breakfast while Lina nervously stared at her food. All of sudden her appetite was gone, she couldn't handle all those emotions at once. Relief, uncertainty and happiness, she felt it all and food was the last thing on her mind.
-So…-Lina began-I am happy to see you again but I didn't expect it. What are you doing in New York, Liam? You just got married.
-You were watching ceremony, weren't you?
Lina blushed turning her face away but nodded.
-I got married, that's true, but it's not a marriage in traditional sense. I already told you that me and Madeleine don't love each other.
Lina kept silent. Liam sighed deeply, he still wasn't sure how to proceed.
-I missed you. For all those months I was trying to forget the time we spent together, to keep living but I can't. I know that you didn't want to see me again.
-But I had to try again. There is something special about you, about us. I need you in my life.
-As a friend? - Lina finally asked.
-No, not as a friend. I need all of you, I want you to be mine. And before you say it… - he paused for a few seconds- yes, I know that I am married now but it's an imitation. A parody. Me and Madeleine… we won't have any relationships except of public appearances, not even sexual ones. Please, Lin, think about it.
-Where is she now? - Lina asked.
-On the island. She will be there for a month. Everyone think that we are there together for a honeymoon. I have a month until I must return to Cordonia.
Silence. Lina got up from her chair and paced terrace floor. She was fighting her internal battle. She glanced at Liam a few times who was sitting still nervously watching her.
-Yes-she said simply.
-Yes? - Liam jumped out of his chair but didn't dare to come close yet.
Lina nodded.
-Yes, I'll be your… - Lina stopped herself before to say it, she was trying to find another, better word for that ugly role but Liam didn't let her to finish. Fast he close a distance between them, pulled Lina into his arms and covered her mouth with his.
Lina was kissing him desperately, expressing through this kiss her heartbreak, her yearning. Finally Liam pulled away and pressed his forehead to hers.
-I am so happy. Thanks, Lin. - he whispered.
-I hope that we both won't regret that. - she whispered in reply.
Liam pressed his finger to her lips, covered them with his mouth and carried Lina to the bedroom.
Hours later, exhausted, Lina fell asleep in Liam's arms. Through her sleep she heard a phone ringing, again and again. Sleepy, she rolled out of Liam's embrace and walked to the living room where she left her purse. She found it on one of the chairs and pulled out her phone tapping an accept on screen.
She heard an angry yell, pulled a phone away from her ear and checked time.
-Sorry, Mike. I'll be right there. I am coming, already on my way. - she said quickly and ended the call.
Lina hurried to the bedroom and picked up her jeans. Jumping on one foot, she was trying to put them on quickly and to pick up the rest of her clothes at the same time.
-What are you doing? What happened? - sleepy Liam asked watching her panic.
-I had to be at work fifteen minutes ago. We overslept.-Lina said quickly putting on her tank top.
-What? But… - Liam said.
She didn't let him to finish, got on the bed and kissed his cheek.
-I'll miss you. Later. - she said and quickly left the room.
Liam heard a sound of closing door and growled. He fell back on the bed and rubbed his eyes.
That's not how I imagined things will be. Nope. No way.
He got out of the bed, found his phone and dialed a number.
Next chapter
@indiacater @drakesensworld @annekebbphotography @hopefulmoonobject @jared2612 @carabeth @dcbbw
#the royal romance#trr#trr liam#choices trr#choices fanfiction#choices liam x mc#liam x mc#trr liam x mc#Breathe with me
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For Valentines Day, the couples of the Music And Danse universe
All art by SUAMY
Jerrica Benton x Giselle “Danse” Dvorak Vivien “Video” Montgomery x Lindsey “Lin-Z” Pearce Maeve “Astral” Eldritch x Regine Cesaire Carmen “Raya” Alonso x Constance “Clash” Montgomery.
#jem and the holograms#jerrica benton#danse#video#lin-z#astral#regine#raya#clash#valentines day#femslash february#jemslash february
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2019 Exhibitor List
Alt-Bae Zine (Alternative Blacks Are Everywhere); Mariah Fortune; alt-bae.com Anthony Levy; Anthony Levy; anthony-levy.com APEP Publications; Jeremy Gaulke; www.apeppublications.com Art Activist Nia; Nia King; niaking.com Art Dept Collective; Sam Merkt; www.artdeptphilly.com art+food+feminism; Kate Lorey; @art+food+feminism Atom Shine; Noah; www.atomshine.com Avant LaGuardia; Aaron Novik; www.aaronnovik.com BEE FANT; Bianca "Bee" Fanty; www.biancafanty.com Buttchin The Comic and TV Rots Your Brain; Jay McQuirns / Nicole Krecicki; https://www.instagram.com/jaymcquirns/?hl=en and https://tapedofftv.com Comics by Emily K; Emily Kesselman; www.emilyk.art Comix Collection; Christine Larsen; christinelarsenillustration.com Dark and Druzy; Vivien Wise, Marria Nakhoda, Meghann Altomare; https://www.instagram.com/darkanddruzy/ and www.vivienwise.com Defectivepudding; Christa Dippel; www.defectivepudding.com Displaced Snail // This & That Tapes; Joseph Carlough; thisandthattapes.com Dreamyguts; Tia McClelland; Instagram.com/dreamygutss Drunk Doofy; Nicholas Bunch; www.nickbunch.com FAKE Publications Friendly Neighborhood Comix Club; Dre and Corey; https://friendlyneighborhoodcomixclub.tumblr.com Gilbert Drive Productions; Megan Barbieri (Nutmeg); https://www.facebook.com/GilbertDriveProductions/ Girls, on Film; Janene Scelza; girlsonfilmzine.com Graham Millar; Graham Millar; Insta_Graham_Millar
GRL PWR HAUS; Carson Parris & Landri Peirce; cargocollective.com/grlpwrhaus
HOT Press Comics; Michael Kamison; www.hotpresscomics.com I Love Soda zine; Rebecca Berkowitz; Facebook.com/ilovesodazine Ian Parsons; https://www.behance.net/awesomeiane654 Impostor Monster; Mick Moran; meetmickmoran.com In a Rut Comics; Eros Livieratos; https://inarutcomics.bigcartel.com/ Jaz Malone; Janelle Smith; jazimated.com John Minkoff; http://www.johnminkoff.com Katrina Kopeloff Illustration; Katrina Kopeloff; www.katrinakopeloff.com Kit Fraser; www.kitfraser.com Labyrinth Comics; Candice LombardiIG; @labyrinthcomics and @candysblock
Low Level; www.lowlevelgo.com Margot Terc; http://margot-terc.com | instagram.com/margot.terc METROPOLARITY; Monk; http://metropolarity.net Moonsang; Alex Moonsang; alexmoonsang.com Moose Lane; https://www.instagram.com/mooselanezines/ Moviejawn; Rosalie Kicks (Leonard); www.moviejawn.com
My Wingman; https://mywingman.tumblr.com/ Naan cül Press; Matt Baczewski; naanculpress.com Omlet Factory; Kylie Leuthold; omletfactory.com One Year Out, Evangelion NOW; L Hyun Philly Zine Teens; Linnea deRoche Philomena The Plant; Max Wilde; https://www.instagram.com/philomenatheplant/ Prayers ZIne; Mikela Sheskier; https://www.instagram.com/prayers.zine/?hl=en Rachael Amber Illustration / Cycles Journal; Rachael Amber; Www.rachaelamber.com RatDog Comics; Chuck Kaslow; www.chuckkaslow.com Recenter Press; Terra Oliveira; www.recenterpress.com Retrosofa; Salvatore Marrone; tapas.io/retrosofa Rodger Binyone; https://rodgerbinyone.bigcartel.com/ Southern Exposure; Brandon Dean; www.brandon-dean.com/southernexposurecover Space 1026 Art Collective; Nora Einbender-Luks; https://space1026.com/ Spratty Lin; sprattylin.art Swan in a Ditch; Valentina; Www.etsy.com/shop/thelittleswan The Bettys; Thebettys.com The Detritus King; Mo Karnage The La-La Theory; Katie Haegele; www.thelalatheory.com The Soapbox; Studio Members; www.phillysoapbox.org The Travelers' Survival Guide to Bathroom Yokai; Meghan blade; Meghanblade.com The Word Distro; Ed Kemp; www.theworddistribution.com Things people said; Art Johnston; Thethingspeoplesaid.wordpress.com Triplebummer; Eddy lezama; Triplebummer.com Truong Illustration; Ellen Truong; ellentruong.com Ventanas; Ariadna; behance.net/arimelig9222 Victoria Schenck; cargocollective.com/victoriaschenck WATCHING; Oliver Jenkins; oliver-jenkins.com
Paid for your table but missing from the list? Be sure you’ve submitted our Tabler Information Form at https://forms.gle/8do8BpNnzkmdfVx76 and send us an email. Please note that PZF tables are all full!
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3, 6, 11-15, 22, 24, 27, 29 :)
Sui Lin, girl. I love you. You’re a real one.
3. All time favorite character?
Is anyone even surprised? It’s always gonna be Lana.
6. Favorite Asylum character?
HAHA. Okay, technically it’s the same answer as above, but in the interests of not vomiting my love for Lana Winters all over the place... It’s a toss up between Mary Eunice and Jude.
11. Favorite Cult character?
Oh gross, do I have to? I don’t think I even remember names anymore...augh... Winter? Maybe? Ally’s character arc was interesting, but admittedly they were all terrible so I don’t know.
12. Favorite Apocalypse character?
I’m going to exclude the ones from seasons past, I think, because it feels like a cheat to say Misty or Cordelia. Admittedly this season is also a blur and I didn’t exactly enjoy it, but Mallory?
13. If you could choose a season theme what would you choose?
AHHHHH! I’ve done this! I’m still very attached to the concept of isolated/remote settings like the one I wrote for Invasion, and I was also fond of my secondary idea. But because my thoughts on horror have shifted a bit, I want a season set in the wild west with outlaws and gun slingers on horseback (diamond mines??!!!!), or something having to do with the New England coastline/shipwrecks/lighthouses.
14. If you could give one season a sequel, which season would it be?
If I’M the one writing it, then I want more from Asylum. But I don’t really trust Ryan Murphy with that, soooo I think I’d like to go back to Roanoke or the Hotel Cortez.
15. If you could bring one character back to life, who would it be?
VIVIEN VIVIEN VIVIEN VIVIEN VIVIEN. Nobody deserves to spend eternity with their rapist.
22.. If you could have one guest star on AHS, who would it be?
Oh gods. Brit Marling or Heather Langenkamp front and center.
27. Favorite Villain?
I will always think of Twisty as a missed opportunity. That whole season was deplorable imo. But in terms of TRUE favorite villains, I have to give it over to Bloody Face. I ain’t never been that stressed, like...ever.
29. Favorite episode?
Spilled Milk stresses me the fuck out, but it’s easily the most gratifying episode. The anxiety to get to that cab ride is so worth it for the deep breath afterward. Plus, I don’t think an arc on this show has ended so neatly and completely since.
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